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The Blockchain Show

The Blockchain Show is a weekly podcast that demystifies cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology.

Jun 13, 2019

AXEL is committed to providing users with true ownership over their data with dynamic, easy-to-use technology solutions for file sharing, access, security and privacy, transfer, streaming and integration, from one secure platform. They just launched AXEL.Network, a global decentralized network to help foster the movement from centralized to decentralized computing — the next-generation internet.

Jeremy was co-founder and CEO of the NAVADA Group – a UK based creative agency that worked with some of Europe’s most powerful and recognizable brands. He boosted audience engagement for a horse racing brand by over 2,000%, turning it into the top racing brand. He’s best known for leading the award-winning Road Respect campaign, wielding viral content to slash drunk driving incidents. He leads AXEL's strategic content and marketing initiatives and has launched the company's major projects, including its blockchain platform AXEL.Network. 

For more information, visit: 

Website: https://axel.network

Twitter: @AXELUnlimited



